1. Document a meeting-Have a person at the meeting become the blogger. If everyone follows that blog you can them comment and have an ongoing record of the meeting and the ideas that come from it.
2. Suggestions-If your courtesy committee is looking for suggestions on activities you can post a blog and have staff members offer suggestions in the comments section.
3. Skip a meeting-I know that we all have 1,000 things that we need to do and going to a meeting is the last thing I want to do at the end of the day. If you created a blog you could post a question or situation and the members would need to respond within the week. Just like we do for our discussion posts.
4. Class Blog- You could set up a class blog where students AND parents would be able to interact about information that is presented in class. The students could help each other through problems, the teacher could post homework, the parents could see that they DO have homework or ask a question.
I think blogging could be a very valuable tool used in education. Now to find time to do so...