Friday, March 22, 2013

Action Research Plan-Take 2

There was not a whole lot that my site supervisor and I changed.  We took out the benchmark testing and left the K-TIPS assessment.  We reviewed the data and thought that would be more than sufficient data.  We also decided to take out the demographic information.  If I really feel that this will be important to my research I will add it later.  I hope everyone is having a great week! 

Action Planning Template
Goal: Assess the impact of tablets on student achievement
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Obtain administrations permission to conduct an action research plan on a kindergarten classroom. 

Alise Lamoreaux
Teresa Croce
March 18-22, 2013
Signed documentation giving approval to conduct the research plan
Select and obtain permission from a teacher to conduct research with. 

Alise Lamoreaux
Classroom Teacher
March 18-22, 2013
Signed documentation giving approval to conduct the research plan in the classroom.
Analyze latest kindergarten assessment

Alise Lamoreaux
March 25-29, 2013
  • K-TIPS

Spreadsheet of data
Determine skills to be addressed

Alise Lamoreaux
Classroom Teacher
April 1-5, 2013
  • K-TIPS

Spreadsheet of skills
Find apps to use on the tablets
Alise Lamoreaux
April 8-9, 2013
  • Tablet
  • App store
  • spreadsheet
Spreadsheet of Apps
Make a “How To” Sheet for the students
Alise Lamoreaux
April 8-9, 2013
  • Paper
  • Printer
  • Computer
Give a post-test to students
Alise Lamoreaux

Classroom teacher
May 2013
  • K-TIPS

Spreadsheet of data
Analyze the data from the assessments
Alise Lamoreaux
May 2013
  • K-TIPS

Spreadsheet of data
Conduct student and teacher survey on the use of the tablets
Alise Lamoreaux
Classroom teacher
May 2013
  • Paper

Spreadsheet of data and a graph to show comparison


  1. Alise, I really like your topic. I'll be interested to see if the tablets make a difference for the students. When reading through your plan, I feel like a little more detail would help me understand what you're going to be doing. For example, when you first list K-Tips, perhaps you could also describe what it is--I've never heard of it and feel like I would understand your project better if you did. Not a long description, just adding a few words like "reading assessment" or whatever it is. Also, when you're analyzing the data, I'd like a little more detail (either in the action step or evaluation) about what you're analyzing. For example, "Analyze data from the assessments to determine..." whatever you're trying to determine. Or it could be in the evaluation, "Spreadsheet of data showing..." whatever your spreadsheet will contain.

    As far as your question about the number of steps required in our plans, I didn't understand that we have to have a certain number. I would suggest, though, that a step be added that states that the students will use the tablets, including the frequency. I’d also like to know the criteria for including students in your study. Do they need to have a certain amount of time on the tablets in order to be considered in your results? If so, that could be included in the evaluation of the action step I suggested adding. I’ll be following your project and look forward to your results!

  2. Alise, I agree with Corina. A little more detail on what type of assessments you will be analyzing would help. Will you be looking at both reading and math for areas that could be improved with the use of tablets, or are you just focusing in one subject? I would also suggest to include a section where you describe how you're going to share the results with your campus, to determine which direction to take once your research is finalized and how it can be improved. I think that was the only step missing from the 8 steps: Sustaining Improvement. Other than that, I think you're headed in the right direction. You chose a great topic, and I'm looking forward to your results!

  3. Alise, I agree with the comments Sheila and Corina made. I would especially focus on the evaluation part. I interpreted that to indicate how you would know your action step was completed. For example, when you say spread sheet of data, it would be more relevant to say spread sheet of data containing student scores on (the name of the test you are using). Hope this is helpful. Looking forward to your results too!

  4. The above comments are very detailed, and I feel it would be great to add them to your plan. I would also include a reflection part on your plan as you will be reflecting on it here. Good luck with your plan!
