Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Developing an Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: Assess the impact of tablets on student achievement
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Obtain administrations permission to conduct an action research plan on a kindergarten classroom. 

Alise Lamoreaux
Teresa Croce
March 18-22, 2013
Signed documentation giving approval to conduct the research plan
Select and obtain permission from a teacher to conduct research with. 

Alise Lamoreaux
Classroom Teacher
March 18-22, 2013
Signed documentation giving approval to conduct the research plan in the classroom.
Analyze latest kindergarten assessment

Alise Lamoreaux
March 25-29, 2013
  • K-TIPS
  • Student demographics
  • Benchmarks

Spreadsheet of data
Determine skills to be addressed

Alise Lamoreaux
Classroom Teacher
April 1-5, 2013
  • K-TIPS
  • Benchmarks
Spreadsheet of skills
Find apps to use on the tablets
Alise Lamoreaux
April 8-9, 2013
  • Tablet
  • App store
  • spreadsheet
Spreadsheet of Apps
Make a “How To” Sheet for the students
Alise Lamoreaux
April 8-9, 2013
  • Paper
  • Printer
  • Computer
Give a post-test to students
Alise Lamoreaux
May 2013
  • K-TIPS
  • Benchmarks
Spreadsheet of data
Analyze the data from the assessments
Alise Lamoreaux
May 2013
  • K-TIPS
  • Benchmarks
Spreadsheet of data
Conduct student and teacher survey on the use of the tablets
Alise Lamoreaux
Classroom teacher
May 2013
  • Paper
  • ActiVotes

Spreadsheet of data and a graph to show comparison


  1. Alise, I think this looks great. It appears as if you and I are very much on the same track as far as our planning. I am, too, assessing student achievement in the area of reading fluency. From what you have now, it looks as if you are on the right track. We should definitely stay in touch throughout this process, as you are assessing kinder students and I will be focusing on first graders. I would love to see what apps you decide to use. I am going to be searching for apps to use as well. I will share what I find. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you Jennifer! Are you going to start now or next year? I want to start now with kindergarten. They have so much to learn at the beginning of the year that I don't want to add this to the list.

  2. I teach first grade and have taught kindergarten as well. I am looking forward to following your research and would love to use some of the apps that you find. I will go through my apps on my iPad and see if I have anything that would be beneficial for your research!! Your plan looks great as you have clearly laid out the steps you will be taking to implement and monitor progress!

    1. Thank you Katye! I could use any that you think would be beneficial. I hope they are laid out well enough! :)

  3. Your plan looks well thought out and comprehensive. I don't teach ELA, but am constantly looking for ways to use our limited resources (1 ipad/classroom) to enchance student learning in math. It is challenging with such limited resources. If you have any suggestions as a technology person, that would be wonderful. I am curious to see your results. Perhaps your research could influence my campus to purchase additional ipads.

    1. We have ZERO iPads on campus. I am using my personal iPad. I strongly believe it will be beneficial for all of the students. They are interested in getting them but not sure if it is worth the money. I guess only time will tell! Do y'all have boards?

  4. I am an ESL teacher who services K-5 and I'm curious as to what your results will be. Kids these days are more technologically savvy than ever before. My three year old loves taking pictures and video with my IPhone! I wonder what advances the kindergarten students will make with the tablets. By the way, my kinder students love www.starfall.com. (I'm not sure if they have an app or not).

  5. My son is now in 2nd grade. Both his kindergarten and 1st grade years, they would get iPods in class as a reward. Since there weren't enough to go around, they would only get them periodically. But, he loved it when they were able to use them. With the trends of using iPads in the classroom, I think you will find that this is a very necessary inquiry to look into. I believe your research will help a lot of teachers who are just beginning to use this type of teaching tool in the classroom. I am a secondary person, and our district is currently investigating what it would take for our district to put an iPad in every kids' hands. Your plan looks very doable and is very pertinent for today's classroom.
